Why Connected TV Advertising is a Game-Changer for Small Business Marketing

In the evolving landscape of digital advertising, Connected TV (CTV) has emerged as a powerful medium that combines the reach of traditional television with the precision of digital marketing tools. With user acquisition costs consistently on the rise across various platforms, small businesses are constantly looking for more cost-effective ways to reach their target audiences. CTV offers a compelling solution with its expansive targeting capabilities and ability to connect with a broad audience.

Understanding the CTV Audience

Recent statistics from Statista indicate that the number of CTV users in the USA has been steadily increasing, reflecting a broader shift in how consumers engage with content. The transition from traditional television to internet-enabled streaming services means that CTV viewers are a diverse group, spanning various demographics, including highly sought-after younger audiences who prefer streaming over traditional TV viewing.

Cost-Effective User Acquisition

For small businesses, every dollar in their marketing budget counts. Traditional user acquisition channels like search engines and social media are becoming increasingly competitive, driving up costs. CTV represents a cost-effective alternative, as advertising costs are generally lower compared to traditional TV and even some digital platforms. Additionally, the lack of a need for massive production budgets—since even simple, well-targeted ads can perform well on CTV—helps in reducing the overall spending.

Advanced Targeting for Better Reach

One of the most significant advantages of CTV is its level of targeting. Unlike traditional TV which casts a wide net, CTV allows advertisers to hone in on specific demographics based on viewing habits, interests, and even behavioral data. This precision ensures that your advertising dollars are spent reaching those most likely to be interested in your products or services, thereby increasing the efficiency of your campaigns.

Diversifying Your Marketing Budget

Diversifying your marketing strategy is crucial to avoid over-reliance on a single source for customer acquisition. Incorporating CTV into your marketing mix can protect your business against fluctuations in other advertising markets. With its growing popularity and the ability to deliver targeted advertising to a receptive audience, CTV can significantly enhance your marketing efforts.

High Engagement Rates

CTV ads are typically non-skippable, which means they tend to have higher engagement rates compared to online video ads. The immersive nature of television viewing, combined with the targeting capabilities of digital advertising, results in higher ad recall and conversion rates. This is particularly beneficial for small businesses looking to maximize their visibility and impact.


For small business owners and marketers aiming to optimize their advertising spend while expanding their reach, CTV offers a promising avenue. Its growing user base, coupled with sophisticated targeting options and cost-effectiveness, makes CTV an essential component of a balanced marketing strategy. As user acquisition costs continue to climb, leveraging CTV advertising with platforms like Splad can help small businesses reach their desired audiences more efficiently and effectively than ever before. With Splad, small businesses have an accessible and powerful tool to navigate the CTV advertising landscape, promising better returns and greater market penetration.