CTV Advertising Explained: Unraveling the Future of Television Marketing

In the dynamic world of digital marketing, Connected TV (CTV) advertising emerges as a trailblazing force. This post explores the intricacies of CTV advertising and its burgeoning role in modern marketing strategies.

What is CTV Advertising?

CTV advertising refers to delivering ads through internet-connected television platforms. This medium transcends traditional TV advertising by offering more targeted, interactive ad experiences.

How Does CTV Advertising Work?

CTV advertising leverages digital targeting and analytics, enabling advertisers to identify specific audience segments based on demographics, interests, and viewing habits. Unlike traditional TV, CTV advertising provides the unique ability to track and measure campaign results, offering insights into viewer engagement and conversion rates.

Benefits of CTV Advertising

CTV advertising distinguishes itself through a blend of targeted approach, high engagement rates, and measurable outcomes, making it a standout choice in the realm of digital advertising. 

The platform’s unrivaled scale is a key highlight, with Connected TV’s broad reach extending to over 98% of U.S. households. This vast coverage presents an exceptional opportunity for advertisers to showcase their brands to a wide and diverse audience. 

Beyond sheer reach, the nature of CTV advertising lends itself to maximum exposure. The typical non-skippable format of CTV ads fosters incredibly high engagement levels among viewers. This unique characteristic contributes to an impressive 95% video completion rate, a figure that soars above the completion rates found in mobile and desktop environments. Such high engagement ensures that your message is not only delivered but also attentively received, creating a profound impact that resonates with the audience. 

This combination of extensive reach and deep engagement, coupled with the ability to precisely measure campaign effectiveness, positions CTV advertising as a powerful tool for modern marketers seeking both visibility and tangible results.

CTV vs. OTT Advertising: Understanding the Differences

CTV and OTT (Over-The-Top) advertising, while similar, have distinct differences. CTV refers to ads on smart TVs and connected devices, while OTT includes all video content streamed over the internet across various devices.

Choosing the Right CTV Advertising Platform

The right CTV advertising platform, such as Splad.co, should offer extensive reach (access to over 1500 channels) and robust targeting options, catering to the diverse needs of modern advertisers.

Trends and Future of CTV Advertising

The future of CTV advertising is bright, with trends like enhanced personalization, interactive ad formats, and more sophisticated measurement techniques shaping the industry.


CTV advertising represents a pivotal evolution in TV marketing. With its ability to target specific demographics, track results, and achieve high viewer engagement, CTV advertising is an indispensable part of a forward-thinking advertising strategy.