Boost your business with Splad: Premium & Local TV Advertising made easy

Looking to stand out in today’s crowded market? Splad unlocks the power of TV advertising for businesses of all sizes, offering unmatched benefits to boost your brand awareness, maximize ROI, and slash acquisition costs.

    Attract new clients, overcome marketing hurdles, enhance visibility

    Attract new clients, enhance visibility with affordable TV ads

      Boost your business with Splad: Premium & Local TV Advertising made easy

      Looking to stand out in today’s crowded market? Splad unlocks the power of TV advertising for businesses of all sizes, offering unmatched benefits to boost your brand awareness, maximize ROI, and slash acquisition costs.

      Discover the Splad difference:
      your solution to marketing success

      Show your ad locally or nationwide

      Run your ads in the zip codes or cities, where your brand is present. If you are selling online you can target the whole country.

      Non-skippable ads for maximum engagement

      Enjoy a 95% video completion rate, ensuring your message captures the audience’s attention.

      Unrivaled reach

      Make your brand a household name, by reaching over 98% of U.S. households with Splad.

      Budget-friendly campaigns

      With plans starting at $500, step into the TV advertising space without breaking the bank.

      Risk-free platform

      Enjoy the flexibility to adjust or pause your campaign at any time—no long-term commitments, no hidden fees.

      Quick and easy campaign launch

      Start your campaign in just 10 minutes, simplifying the ad launch process.

      Trackable results

      Measure the impact of your TV ads, enhancing your marketing strategies with data-driven insights.

      Creative freedom

      Success comes from your message. Whether you create your ad with professional equipment or a smartphone, what matters is connecting with your audience.

      Launch Your TV Ad in 10 Minutes with Splad

      Client success stories

      “Splad has been instrumental in redefining our automotive marketing strategy with its efficient platform.”

      Owner, Chain Restaurant

      “Thanks to Splad, our automotive marketing campaigns have never been more focused and effective.”

      Co-founder, Travel Agency

      “Splad is a gem of a TV ad platform. It is an indispensable tool for any serious advertiser”

      CMO, Food Delivery Service

      Ready to make a splash with Splad?

      Discover the ease and effectiveness of launching your TV ad campaigns with Splad. Don’t let the opportunity to enhance your brand’s visibility and drive meaningful engagement pass you by. Join the numerous local businesses that have transformed their advertising strategy with Splad! 


      What is the minimum budget?

      You can start with as little as $500 for a campaign or $50 daily budgets, breaking the expensive and high minimums barrier.

      What are the requirements for video ads?

      You don’t have to shell out hundreds of thousands of dollars to make a TV ad. Some of our clients are absolutely crushing it with simple creatives, sometimes even shot on an iPhone! Just remember, the most important thing is the message you’re putting out there.

      How can I track visits on my website?

      Simply install our pixel on your website to effortlessly track the number of visits generated by your TV ads. You can also seamlessly integrate your account with your Google Analytics (GA) account, ensuring that your reports are directly available within GA for comprehensive analysis.